Special Thanks To…♥

I have been really sidetracked lately by the recent turn of events in my life… losing a friend and my grandfather all in the same week hasn’t been the easiest thing to deal with. BUT I thank God that I have such a strong support system. I’m thankful to have a family that doesn’t just appear when someone passes away… and to have a circle of genuine friends that are always there for me when I need them. It feels good to be blessed♥

Most people try to avoid naming names in fear of leaving someone out of the loop or stepping on toes, but I have to extend a special thank you to those who have truly stepped up right now.If you arent mentioned, it isnt because I dont love you. ♥

I want to thank my booski, Kevonda Roberts.  I am very vocal about the love I have for you BUT I just want to take this time to say thank you again! You have really been a GREEEEEEAT source of encouragement during these difficult times… even before death became the main topic of discussion. You know exactly what I mean. You have helped me remain on the bright side of any bad situation I have been faced with. Your faith in God is unwavering and I’m very thankful to have you as a friend. I am so proud to see your growth and I’m thankful you and I are on the same page ((for the most part))… aiming to become great women of God. I love you hun!

I also want to extend a special thanks to Shilda bka Shileda Marshall ♥ My grandmother asked me to write and perform a poem for my grandfather’s funeral and I was really bummed about her request. I didnt want to do it. I figured I’d just back out and not do it. After speaking with Shilda, I decided to adhere to her wishes. I know my grandmother is taking his passing far worse than I am and if she has to endure the death of her husband, the LEAST I can do is say a poem. After all, he loved my poems… loved my performances… and it would be robbery if I didn’t go through with it. Thanx Shilda. I would’ve probably regretted my decision after the fact had I not gone through with it. I love you!

To the amazing wives of MYWC, I want to thank you all for your condolences. You all have been sooooo understanding, sympathetic, and accomodating during this trying time in my life. I love you all like dear sisters and I am soooo glad and proud to have such a strong circle of women in my corner. Thank you for your individual and collective efforts to ease the pain I am feeling. 

Thanx to Anna… for making me cry LOL No, seriously, you did make me cry but thanx for reminding me that we are FAMILY. Being besties mean nothing… we’re blood and ur tears for Lawrence reminded me how long you have been around and how entangled you are within this bloodline. I love you hun… AND I LOVE JA’NYA MORE lol

To my husband: Thank you for just being there… for being an unwavering force in my life. You are an amazing man… and I am soooo thankful to be your wife. Thanx for letting me cry on your shoulder. Thanx for rubbing my back. Thanx for comforting me and being the husband I know God created you to be.  love you baby♥

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